
Note -exit, virtuosity and revolution: the political theory of exodus, Paolo Virno

"Nothing is less passive than flight. The "exit" modifies the conditions within which the conflict takes place, rather than presupposes it as an irremovable horizon; it changes the context within which a problem arises, rather than deals with the problem by choosing one or another of the alternative solutions already on offer. In short, the "exit" can be seen as a free-thinking inventiveness that changes the rules of the game and disorients the enemy. One has only to think of the mass flight from the factory regime set in motion by the workers of North America halfway through the nineteenth century as they headed off to the "frontier" in order to colonize low-cost land. They were seizing the truly extraordinary opportunity of making their own conditions of departure reversible."

ok, but is it possible to act as if you are outside the action? how can you construct action already being outside of it? To depart from, means that you are already part of something or you are somewhere that you depart from. The possibility of the action of exit cannot create space which you can depart from. The question is who makes the space that you depart from. Is it the same one who makes the space and he/she departs from it? Is it a different kind of departure when it is a space of your creation or someone else's ? When is the right time of departure when the space you have made it's already made as a space of exit?