

That is to say, once more, that my perception is outside my body, and my affection within it. Just as external objects are perceived by me where they are, in themselves and not me, so my affective states are experienced there where they occur, that is, at a given point in my body. Consider the system of images which is called the material world. My body is one of them. Around this image is grouped the representation, i.e. it's eventual influence on the others. Within it occurs affection,i.e its actual effort upon itself. Such is indeed the fundamental difference which every one of us naturally makes between an image and a sensation. Where we say that the image exits outside us, we signify by this that it is external to our body. When we speak of sensation as an internal state, we mean that it arises within in our body. And this is why we affirm that the totality of perceived image subsists, even if our body disappears, whereas we know that we cannot annihilate our body without destroying our sensations...
But we have to take into account the fact that our body is not a mathematical point in space, that its virtual actions are complicated by and impregnated with real actions,or, in other words, that there is no perception without affection. Affection is, then, that part of aspect of the inside of our body which we mix with the image of external bodies;

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